October 17, 2013

Windows Server 2008 IIS 7 - A specified logon session does not exist .Exception: 0x80070520

Today I tried to import an SSL Certificate in .PFX format from RapidSSL/GeoTrust on my Windows Server 2008 with IIS7. Withing the Site Bindings I selected the certificate and suddenly there was an error:
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated (Exception: 0x80070520)

What?! Well apparently the solution lies in the import step. I had to mark the .PFX file as exportable, which I didn't. Correct way to do this:
  • Within IIS7 click on Server > Server Certificates
  • Import... Select the Certificate File (.pfx), optional password and mark the Allow this certificate to be exported.
  • Now you can choose the certificate on Site > Bindings..
  • Select the 443 Binding > Edit OR Add a new 443 Binding
  • Select the SSL certificate and click OK. You are ready.

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