September 2, 2015

MONGODB-CR: AuthenticationFailed MONGODB-CR credentials missing in the user document

A while ago I was debugging the following error
MONGODB-CR: AuthenticationFailed MONGODB-CR credentials missing in the user document

9 out of 10 times this means the authentication failed because the MongoDB version is not compatible with the authentication method used by the application. As of MongoDB version 3, a new authentication method was introduced, SCRAM-SHA-1. This kicked the challenge-response (MONGODB-CR) mechanism from its default position.

You can do one of the following:

  1. Downgrade the MongoDB version. I would not recommend this, because you will be left out of bugfixes and this may very well be a bad security decision.
  2. Make the authentication method used by the application compatible with new MongoDB 3 SCRAM method (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism). Read more about this here. Note that MONGODB-CR can not be used any more.
  3. Downgrade the MongoDB authentication schema. This will change the default MongoDB authentication method from SCRAM to MONGODB-CR.

Edit Authentication Schema 

To edit the authentication schema complete the following steps:
  1. Delete all users.
  2. Login as admin
    use admin

    use DATABASE
    select all users from DB: db.runCommand({usersInfo: 1})
    drop single user: db.runCommand({dropUser: "USER"})
  3. Make sure you are (still) logged in as admin or have commented out de keyfile in the settings on each server and restarted the services.
    use admin
    var schema = db.system.version.findOne({"_id" : "authSchema"})schema.currentVersion =
  4. Now recreate all deleted users.
It is possible to revert back to SCRAM by using authSchema version 1.

SCRAM-SHA-1 Authentication

While this can help you solve the problem very fast, the SCRAM-SHA-1 method is superior and the MONGODB-CR method will probably be deprecated in the next MongoDB versions.
Why is the SCRAM method so much better? Well here are some arguments:
  1. The MONGODB-CR method is not encrypted. All traffic between MongoDB and the Application can be read by a potential attacker.
  2. Applications using SCRAM-SHA1 will always send salted and hashed (not plaintext) passwords. Important factor regarding security is to use a strong password.

November 26, 2014

Install and configure MongoDB Replica Set on a Windows Server


MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL document database that provides high performance, high availability and easy scalability.

Diagram 1. Replicaset across multiple servers
Diagram 1. Replicaset across multiple servers
In this tutorial I will highlight its high availability feature by creating a Replica Set. This is a synchronized data set across multiple instances on preferably geographically spread servers. A basic design would look like Diagram 1.

I will implement a Role-Based Access Control to manage access to the MongoDB services. This will include an Admin for obvious administration purposes and a user which will be used for the Application only.

MongoDB gameplan

MongoDB instances run on different ports. For this setup we will use the following schema:
  • Port 27017 (default port) - Primary instance in Data Center 1, Server A.
  • Port 27020 - Secondary instance in Data Center 1, Server A.
  • Port 27030 - Secondary instance in Data Center 2, Server B.
These ports must be allowed in the TCP Firewall rules. If you want to use the Webbased monitoring page, allow 28017, 28020 & 28030 (+1000) as well.
Think about a name for the Replica Set. In this tutorial I will use: "replicaset"
Our Database Admin User will be: "admin".
The Application User will be named: "appuser"

Download and install MongoDB

Download the MongoDB ZIP here:, I prefer the ZIP instead of the installer, because MongoDB is a standalone application and I want full control. Unpack the contents in for example: D:\mongodb\ so you will see D:\mongodb\bin\. This must be done on all MongoDB servers. While we are here, create:
  • D:\mongodb\data\replicaset-PORT\ (where PORT is a placeholder for the used port)
  • D:\mongodb\log\

MongoDB Configuration File

Configuration settings can be stored in a config file. The file extension can be random, but using .cfg would be a sane choice.
  • On Server A create file: D:\mongodb\replicaset-27017.cfg, with the following lines:
    • dbpath=D:\mongodb\data\replicaset-27017
    • logpath=D:\mongodb\log\replicaset-27017.log
    • logappend=true
    • port = 27017
    • replSet = replicaset
    • # keyFile=D:\mongodb\replicaset.key
    • bind_ip =,SERVERA,local
  • On Server A create file: D:\mongodb\replicaset-27020.cfg, with the following lines:
    • dbpath=D:\mongodb\data\replicaset-27020
    • logpath=D:\mongodb\log\replicaset-27020.log
    • logappend=true
    • port = 27020
    • replSet = replicaset
    • # keyFile=D:\mongodb\replicaset.key
    • bind_ip =,SERVERA,local
  • On Server B create file: D:\mongodb\replicaset-27030.cfg, with the following lines:
    • dbpath=D:\mongodb\data\replicaset-27030
    • logpath=D:\mongodb\log\replicaset-27030.log
    • logappend=true
    • port = 27030
    • replSet = replicaset
    • # keyFile=D:\mongodb\replicaset.key
    • bind_ip =,SERVERB,local
Explaining the configuration file:
  • dbpath: this is the directory where MongoDB will store the data. Each member of the Replica Set will have its own folder. If this folder does not exist MongoDB will not start.
  • logpath: this is the file where MongoDB will send all diagnostic logging information. If file not present, MongoDB will create the file as configured in the configuration file. MongoDB will overwrite the log file each time the process starts. To append these entries, simply add "logappend=true" to the file.
  • port: this specifies the TCP port on which MongoDB listens for client connections. Default value is 27017.
  • replSet: name of the Replica Set. All members in the Replica Set must share the same name.
  • keyFile: this is the file where the secret key is stored. This is used by MongoDB instances to authenticate in a Replica Set (and Sharded Clusters). The secret key can be a random string between 6 and 1024 (base64) characters, I will use extension .key for this file. This property will be commented out until the Admin user is set.
  • bind_ip: MongoDB will bind to this IP address. It is possible to bind to multiple IP addresses, by entering a list of comma separated values. Using hostnames is allowed.

Create MongoDB keyfile

The keyfile is the file containing the secret key needed by multiple MongoDB instances from the same set or cluster to authenticate with each other.
  • Create file: D:\mongodb\replicaset.key
    • Extension key is random, but makes sense.
  • Open file and write a random string
    • between 6 and 1024 (base64) characters
  • Save the file

Install MongoDB services

Install the 3 MongoDB instances as a service. From D:\mongod\bin\
  • Server A, Port 27017
    •  mongod --config "D:\mongodb\replicaset-27017.cfg" --install --serviceName "MongoDb-replicaset-27017" --serviceDisplayName "MongoDb-replicaset-27017"
  • Server A, Port 27020
    •  mongod --config "D:\mongodb\replicaset-27020.cfg" --install --serviceName "MongoDb-replicaset-27020" --serviceDisplayName "MongoDb-replicaset-27020"
  • Server B, Port 27030
    •  mongod --config "D:\mongodb\replicaset-27030.cfg" --install --serviceName "MongoDb-replicaset-27030" --serviceDisplayName "MongoDb-replicaset-27030"

The serviceName and the serviceDisplayName can be seen in the properties of this service:
  • Check properties: Run > services.msc, Click on a Service > Properties
  • On all 3 MongoDB services, click on Start to start the MongoDB instance. 
    • Or from command line:
    • net start "MongoDb-replicaset-27017"
    • net start "MongoDb-replicaset-27020"
    • net start "MongoDb-replicaset-27030"
  • Make sure the Startup type is Automatic and the Service status stays "Started". If not, something is wrong and you have to review your log and configuration.

Configure MongoDB Replica Set

  • Connect to the primary Mongo instance on port 27017 using command prompt.
    • From: D:\mongodb\bin\
    • mongo --port 27017
  • Initialize Replica Set: 
    • rs.initiate()
      • Common error is "couldn't initiate : can't find self in the replset config my port: 27017". This means your configuration file is wrong in the bind_ip parameter. Make sure the IP or hostname value from the "me" parameter is included in the bind_ip. Don't forget to stop and start the service again.
  • Add Secondary Replica Set members
    • Connect to each Secondary Mongo instance in a separate command prompt
    • On Server A. Secondary: 
      • rs.add("HOST:27020")
        • HOST must be the IP or Hostname from the bind_ip parameter.
      • When you get the following error: "Error: assert failed : no config object retrievable from local.system.replset", then rs.add the hosts on the Primary member (27017)
    • On Server B. Secondary:
      • rs.add("HOST:27030")
  • Check current Replica Set configuration: 
    • rs.conf()
    • Here you can view current members. Your prompt should be stating "replicaset:PRIMARY"
  • Check status of Replica Set:
    • rs.status()
    • Here you can view the id, name, health, state, stateStr, etc of each member within the Replica Set.

Set Priority between MongoDB instances

When a MongoDB instance within a Replica Set becomes unavailable, elections will occur to assign new statuses. If the Primary is down, One of the Secondaries will become Primary. While there is no Primary, no writes can occur. A Primary is seen as down after a 10 second timeout. 
By setting Priority, members will vote for a member with the highest priority first. Members with priority value of 0 can never be elected as primary. An Arbiter can only vote.

To set priority connect to the Primary instances and issue these commands:
  • rs.conf()
    • check the values from the "_id". Our Primary (on port 21017) has _id: 0. The Secondaries have _id: 1 and 2.
  • cfg = rs.conf()
  • cfg.members[0].priority = 2
    • give member with _id 1 a priority of 2 (highest in this set). 
  • cfg.members[1].priority = 1
  • cfg.members[2].priority = 1
  • rs.reconfig(cfg)
    • Save the new configuration

MongoDB  basic User Management. Add users.

Before enabling authentication, I will add an Admin user and a user for the application. It's good design to split these. I will make another tutorial  with more in-depth information about User Management. For now this will do in our current setup.

While connected to the Primary instance:
  • Add Admin:
    • use admin;
    • db.createUser({user: "admin",pwd: "ourpassword",roles:[{ role: "dbOwner", db: "admin" },{ role: "readWrite", db:"admin" },{role: "root", db:"admin" },{role: "__system", db:"admin" }]})
    • Instead of role: root, you can use role: userAdminAnyDatabase to limit some roles. 
  • Add User "appuser" to its own database.
    • use application (make database "application" active)
    • db.createUser({user: "appuser", "pwd": "anotherpassword", roles : [{role: "readWrite", db: "application"},{role: "dbAdmin", db: "application"}]})
    • User appuser has two roles: dbAdmin & readWrite on database "application"

Enable Authentication

Now everything is in place, we can enable authentication between the MongoDB instances within this Replica Set. 
  • Stop all 3 MongoDB services. On all Servers and/or Instances
    • On all instances:
    • use admin
    • db.shutdownServer({timeoutSecs: 60});
    • exit
  • Edit Configuration File in D:\mongodb\
    • Uncomment the keyFile line by removing the # before keyFile.
  • Start all 3 MongoDB services using the "net start" command or "run > services.msc".
  • You can now connect as Admin user from D:\mongodb\bin\:
    • mongo --port 27017 -u admin -p ourpassword --authenticationDatabase admin
  • Or connect as the Application User "appuser"
    • mongo --port 27017 -u appuser -p anotherpassword --authenticationDatabase application
Now we are set!

I'm available for consults on MongoDB installations, configurations and administration. For availability for projects:

October 7, 2014

Configure Googlebot-Image bot in robots.txt

Googlebot-Image Bot

What is the Googlebot-Image Bot?

From Google we have received an email regarding the Googlebot-Image bot.
This is the Google Image crawler that indexes images appearing in Google's image search results. The Googlebot-Image bot thankfully listens to the robots.txt file - normally located in the root of your public website folder.
The Googlebot-Image bot is pretty flexible. Here are some examples.

Allow indexing of a folder

User-agent: Googlebot-Image 
Disallow: / 
Allow: /path/to/dir/

Remove all images from index

User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /

Exclude a file from indexing

This will exclude file image.jpg:
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /image/image.jpg

Exclude a file extension like JPG

This will exclude JPG images and include other formats like GIF:
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Disallow: /*.jpg$

Exclude files from Google Image Search and Google Web Search

If you want to exclude files not only from Google Image Search, but from Google Web Search as well, you have to replace User-agent: Googlebot-Image with Googlebot. Like this:
User-agent: Googlebot

More information at Google:

October 17, 2013

Microsoft Server 2008 - Check which .NET version is installed.

There are different ways to check what .NET version is installed exactly, ranging from scripts to command prompt. I think the easiest way is to take a quick look in the Registry Editor - regedit.

This can be done by:
  • Start > run > regedit
  • In the Registry Editor, browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > NET Framework Setup > NDP > and depending on the version choose:
    • v3.0 > Setup > 1033 (ie 3.0.*)
    • v3.5 > 1033 (ie 3.5.*)
    • v4 > Full > 1003 (ie 4.5.*)
    • v4.0 > Client (ie
  • In the right pane you will see a row named Version and a number under column Data. This value is the installed .NET verson.
Note. In the Application Pool .NET 4.5 will still be visible as .NET Framework v4.0.*. That is why the Regedit check gives more certainty.

Windows Server 2008 IIS 7 - A specified logon session does not exist .Exception: 0x80070520

Today I tried to import an SSL Certificate in .PFX format from RapidSSL/GeoTrust on my Windows Server 2008 with IIS7. Withing the Site Bindings I selected the certificate and suddenly there was an error:
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated (Exception: 0x80070520)

What?! Well apparently the solution lies in the import step. I had to mark the .PFX file as exportable, which I didn't. Correct way to do this:
  • Within IIS7 click on Server > Server Certificates
  • Import... Select the Certificate File (.pfx), optional password and mark the Allow this certificate to be exported.
  • Now you can choose the certificate on Site > Bindings..
  • Select the 443 Binding > Edit OR Add a new 443 Binding
  • Select the SSL certificate and click OK. You are ready.

June 25, 2011

Magento setup cronjob for google sitemap and other tasks using SSH on unix

This post may be not for everybody, because it crosses some speciality lines. But there are many multidisciplinary admin/programmers out there doing this daily because some tasks just have to get done.

First we are going to configure the Google Sitemap in Magente Admin and then we are going to log onto a Unix system via SSH and edit the crontab. And while we are at it, we are going to configure some additional, but important cronjobs. A cronjob is something like a scheduled task. The computer will execute that task at exactly the time or date you have configured. It is an automated process that will take routine tasks out of your hands.

Configuring Google Sitemap in Magento

First setup the cronjob in Magento:
In Magento Admin > System > Configuration > Catalog > Settings and configure:

  1. Enable
  2. Fill in the time to run the Cronjob. I prefer after midnight.
  3. Choose a frequency. Daily is best.
  4. Fill in a TO address. In case the Cronjob doesn't go well an error report will be sent..
  5. Fill in a  FROM address for that mail.
  6. Choose a Email Template which will be used for the error report.
Now we setup the sitemap. I will keep in mind a sitemap setup for multiple stores.
  1. Add sitemap
  2. Filename HAS to be sitemap.xml. No variations are possible.
  3. Path. Last path folder has to be writable (777). I have used /sitemap/shopa/. As you can see, within the /sitemap/ folder, each Shop will have its own folder to put the sitemap.xml in.
  4. Choose the Shop View and Save.
  5. You can now create a sitemap.xml for each Shop View.
  6. When the Cronjob works without errors, you can see this in the Last Generated column.
Configuring Cronjob on a Linux Server using SSH.

We connect to our Linux Webservers using SSH. Login procedure can be configured in a great little application called Putty. More information can  be found on their website:

  1. Connect to the Host using a Hostname or IP address on Port 22 and connection type SSH. In the popup window you are asked for a login name and password. Great now we are on the server.
  2. Type and enter: "crontab -e" to open the crontab. Most likely this will be in an app called VI.
  3. Type "i" to change mode to "insert". Now you are able to edit the crontab.
  4. Now paste the following line:
    */15 * * * * php -f /var/www/vhosts/PATH/TO/MAGE/cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1
    The /dev/ part means that all output (ok and errors) will be output in /dev/null/ folder.
    The 15 * * * * means that this job will be run every 15 minutes.
  5. Following line will reindex the database every day at 4 AM:
    0 5 * * * php -f /var/www/vhosts/PATH/TO/MAGE/shell/indexer.php > /dev/null> 2>&1
  6. Following line will clean the log files every first of the month:
    0 0 1 * * php -f /var/www/vhosts/PATH/TO/MAGE/shell/log.php clean > /dev/null 2>&1
  7. Hit "ESC" to exit "insert" mode.
  8. Enter "Shift+q", type "wq" and hit ENTER to exit the Crontab.
  9. When successful this message appears: "crontab: installing new crontab"
This concludes how to configure a cronjob on a Linux environment and within the Magento Admin. I have used this approach for my Magento based websites (equestrian budget) and (equestrian) with success.

May 5, 2011

Magento hide My Orders and My Cart from sidebar

We decided to hide the My Orders and My Cart from the sidebar. This requires minimal programming effort and only the local.xml has to be edited and can be found here:
Within node:

<layout version="0.1.0">
        <remove name=""/>
            <reference name="left">

Add following lines:
<remove name="cart_sidebar"></remove>
<remove name="sale.reorder.sidebar"></remove>
<remove name=""></remove>